New resource: Record Keeping and Benchmarking Level 3


Source: Beef Cattle Research Council,

The final level of Record Keeping and Benchmarking resources for beef producers is now available.

Level 1 was previously launched for farm managers who are new to record keeping or who may already keep records but are unsure what information is worth keeping or how these records can be used.

The Level 2 resource was developed to build upon the themes covered in Level 1 but also goes more in depth on some of the analysis that can be accomplished once you have established a set of records. The purpose of Level 3 is to dig deeper into analysis and application of collected farm data.

The Level 3 resources include the following topics:

Animal Health and Performance

  • Sorting Calf/Cow Records Based on Management Groups
  • Calculating 205-Day Self Adjusted Weaning Weights

Forage and Grasslands

  • Identifying Goals
  • Balancing Forage Demand and Supply
  • Livestock Forage Demand
  • Animal Unit Equivalents (AUE) and Animal Unit Months (AUM)
  • Forage Supply Available
  • Prepare a Grazing Plan


  • Identifying Bulls that Support Your Goals
  • Calving Ease Data
  • Post Weaning Gain and Yearling Weight


  • Liquidity
  • Solvency
  • Profitability
  • Repayment Capacity
  • Financial Efficiency
  • Gross Margin Ratio

Visit the new Level 3 resource here.


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