NFACC Information Update June 2019


Source: National Farm Animal Care Council

Transportation Code

With new Code Managers in place, the process of updating the 2001 Recommended Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Farm Animals: Transportation is under way. The rosters for both the Cattle and Pig Working Groups are complete, and the Pig Working Group held its inaugural conference call in late May. The Cattle Working Group continues to work on finalizing a date for its initial call. Both Working Groups are managed by Kate Cooper. The Poultry Catching and Transport and the Hatchery Transport Working Group rosters are now complete.  The initial conference call for  the Poultry Working Group has taken place and planning for the Hatchery Transport Working Group’s first calls and meetings are in the works. Both the Poultry and Hatchery Transport WGs fall under the leadership of Code Manager Lucie Verdon. Both Kate and Lucie are in the process of scheduling calls and presentations of the relevant sections of the Scientific Committee Report, while researching and writing content for their respective Code sections.

The Mink/Fox/Rabbit Working Group has been fully populated and has been turned over to Lucie to manage. It is expected that the Sheep/Goats Working Group will be fully populated  by mid-June, and the Bison/Deer and Equine Working Groups will be populated and ready to work by mid-summer. In an effort to manage both NFACC resources as well as those of industry/sector stakeholders, other Working Groups, such as those responsible for Intermediary Sites and Common Elements are scheduled to become operational in mid to late fall of 2019.

A series of orientation webinars took place in early June for participants on active Working Groups. More orientation webinar options will be made available as other Working Groups are populated.


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