Recommendations for delivering cattle during COVID-19


Source: CCA and CBBC

Prior to transporting cattle, consult provincial guidelines and be aware of all associated risks.

For those delivering:

  • Plan ahead and proceed with caution as many restaurants, gas stations, hotels and other services are closed or working under reduced hours o Pack adequate food, water, hand sanitizer, toilet paper, medications, cell phone charger, spare tire, and fuel o Travel during daylight hours when possible
  • Phone ahead to confirm delivery date, time, location, and any special requests
  • Do not shake hands, maintain a social distance of 2-meters (6 feet), and limit interaction time
  • Limit the number of people traveling to one person, but consider an additional driver to assist with longer trips
  • Do not enter facilities unless necessary and only with authorization
  • Avoid interaction with farm pets (dogs, cats etc.) and leave yours at home
  • Do not deliver cattle if you are sick, even with mild symptoms
  • Stop, drop the cattle off and roll on (Stop, Drop and Roll)

For those receiving cattle:

  • Ensure biosecurity protocols are in place for farm visitors and information is shared with employees regarding COVID-19
  • Limit or restrict visitors to the farm or business operation
  • Provide clean locations to wash hands and/or hand sanitizer for visitors
  • Consider documenting visitors: including time, date, and purpose
  • Do not allow visitors into facilities or house unless necessary
  • Provide signage directing visitors to specific areas on farm
  • Request non-essential travellers to remain in the vehicle
  • Provide a secure washroom facility (when possible) that will be sanitized after each use
  • If providing food and/or beverages for travellers, use disposable cups and plates
  • Communicate to employees who may be first point of contact of delivery schedule


At this time, breeding cattle are able to move without interruption across the US border with the appropriate documentation. Paperwork and health testing required previously is still in effect. Both commercial trucks and private farm operations transporting cattle are permitted to cross with valid identification and documentation. Before departing, we recommend confirming documention and reservations directly with authorities at the port where you will be crossing.



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