Podcast: Achieving cost reductions for beef cows through adaptability and precision livestock – Dr. Travis Mulliniks


Cows can adapt to different environments if we allow them to experience some stress. However, is adaptation the key to profitability? A decrease in beef production costs is needed, and understanding the challenges and opportunities is an important goal. In this episode, Dr. Travis Mullinax shares his thoughts about moving in the wrong direction regarding adaptability and genetic selection. He also shares his experience and knowledge on building beef cow’s resiliency, how precision livestock could be a great tool to improve research and production, and different strategies to decrease feeding costs.


“And so first we’ve got to overcome our own biases to understand the adaptation of cows and their ability to adapt.” – Dr. Travis Mulliniks


What you’ll learn:

Highlight (00:00)Introduction (0:40)Environmental challenges that cows faces (6:51)Building resistance (10:50)Genetic selection vs. profitability (13:49)Precision livestock and technology (18:50)Small package supplementation to improve productivity (28:30)Interaction between reproduction and nutrition (37:06)Building cows’ resiliency (39:32)The mechanism behind cows’ adaptability (43:25)The final questions (48:36)

Meet the guest: Dr. Travis Mulliniks


Current: Associate Professor and Extension Specialist at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.Past: Assistant Professor at the University of Tennessee.


Ph.D. in Animal Nutrition from New Mexico State University;Master’s degree in Animal Sciences from New Mexico State University;Bachelor of Science in Animal Science from Oklahoma State University.

Connect with the guest on Social Media: LinkedIn


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